Classical Studies

A selection of my Classical Studies

An Introduction to my Classical Studies

I’ve had the good fortune to be able to study at a number of art ateliers (Academy of Realist Art in Toronto, Grand Central Academy, and the Aristides Atelier).  Plus I’ve visited the Angel Academy and the Florence Academy of Art in Florence.  These schools teach classical drawing and painting skills based on the 19th-century European atelier model. 

This page showcases some of my student work including:

  • Graphic and red chalk copies of lithographs from the 1860’s Charles Bargue Drawing Course. These copies helped me acquire an understanding of shape, proportion, value, and form — fundamental skills.
  • Drawings of famous Old Master drawings in graphite, charcoal and red chalk
  • Charcoal drawings and oil paintings of plaster casts.  The goal was to translate a three-dimensional object to a two-dimensional picture plane and by doing so convey the illusion of space.